mercredi 12 novembre 2014

My floor plan


A recent Style Cure assignment was about drawing a floor plan, then thinking about the flow in the room.

Here's a rough sketch of my floor plan:

In orangey/yellow, three bookcases and one small shallow storage (actually it's a small Deco armoire from the 1930's made with rare and exotic woods) along the wall at the very end of the room, and near the desk.

The desk is salmon pink, with a bright red square, the stool. A biiger salmon rectangle is the bed, withe small red square a a nightstand. 

In black, you have the door, window and three steps leading to the upper floors.

The three small orangey/yellow squares are for custom-made stotage cubes that will hold some more books.

The thin dark green rectangle is an oil painting I hung on the wall.

The light green shapes are for the sitting armchair and its three nesting tables.

That's it!

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